Lemon Juice and Coffee
Clickbait tik tok vids have been spouting the lemon and coffee ‘method’ for weight loss recently. This takes the thermogenic properties of coffee and the glycemic index reducing effects of lemon juice and combines to create a super weight loss drink to shred pounds off your waist.
Truth is, there is no magical weight loss product, food or pharmaceutical (well there is, but that is frowned upon and often illegal). Caffeine may boost your metabolism, fibre may keep you full and increase the calories burned to digest food. But if you’re not controlling the calories going into your mouth then these techniques are literally a drop in the ocean. Eat less – Move more- achieve greatness
There seems to be a trend for people to acknowledge that they need to make a positive lifestyle change in order to become healthier. But their resolve to do a dam thing about it is non existent. So they therefore search for the magical bullshit food, device (insert fad fitness phase here) because the prospect of actually interrupting the lifestyle they have come to enjoy (the same lifestyle that got them into this mess) is far too comfortable for them to adjust. As a PT, this is all too common, and I can only speculate as to why this such a powerful theme in peoples minds. But what is important is people are looking for answers.
The answer is, eat less - move more - achieve greatness.